Facing Your Fears

I think there’s many layers to the whole, facing your fears, stepping out of your comfort zone. There’s the excitement and anticipation of what’s behind that, what’s possible once you get there. But then there’s the trepidation and those fears and blocks of what can go wrong, what if you fail, how would you look, and also the fear of what if you do succeed (then what…, like can you live up to the person on the other side of growth?).

I’ve been learning “solutions” like just focus on your purpose your intent your dharma (thanks @deepakchopra ) or just trust the universe. Be so convicted in what your purpose is that it becomes stronger than the fear. Change your mindset to the person who has succeeded, who’s walked to the edge and is still standing. Visualize. Use affirmations. Rewrite the stories that created the excuses for why you can’t play big. Harness the power of gratitude. These certainly help in big picture shifts and global decisions. Then in the moment with specific choices and decisions to be made the fear may still creep up. Indecisiveness and freezing up can overpower the excitement. You take a seat at the edge instead of leap into faith.

Maybe it’s just exercising that muscle of courage over and over again that makes it easier with time. I know so many of you have faced your fears and came out stronger. What helps you?


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