F#$% the Rules…

F* the Rules:

Last night I wrote a letter to my five year old self to release and heal what held me back from being fully self expressed. The major theme was my expansive energy and creative spirit being dampened by “societal norms” and “what’s expected” and “how a good Indian girl *SHOULD* behave, what she *SHOULD* strive for.”

Who made these rules? People and generations no smarter than you or I. So why do we blindly follow them? Why not listen to our inner gut, let our five year old selves plan out how to work, live, and play for the rest of our lives? We are the architects of our lives, the previous blueprint society made for us can give us an idea but we don’t have to follow. In fact following it runs the risk of never achieving beautiful blissful FULL self expression.


Facing Your Fears


Do You Have Skin Cancer? Look for this…