How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Acne is a common skin condition that affects many people. While acne can be frustrating, the scars it leaves behind can be even more challenging to treat. Acne scars come in various forms, including hyperpigmentation, atrophic scars, and hypertrophic scars. In this blog post, we will discuss how to treat different types of acne scars.


Hyperpigmentation is a type of acne scar that occurs when the skin produces too much melanin, causing dark spots or patches on the skin. This type of acne scar is more common in people with darker skin tones.

How to treat hyperpigmentation:

  1. Topical treatments: Topical treatments such as hydroquinone, retinoids, and vitamin C can help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

  2. Chemical peels: Chemical peels can help exfoliate the top layer of the skin, reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

  3. Laser therapy: Laser therapy can help break down the excess melanin in the skin, reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Post Inflammatory Erythema

Post Inflammatory Erythema is a type of acne scar that looks red, and is from an increase in inflammation and development of blood vessels.

How to treat erythema:

  1. Topical treatments: Topical treatments such as azelaic acid and tranexamic acid can help with the appearance of red spots.

  2. Laser therapy: A vascular laser can heat up and dissolve the blood vessels, reducing the appearance of redness.

Atrophic Scars

Atrophic scars are a type of acne scar that occurs when the skin loses collagen during the healing process, resulting in indented or depressed scars. There are several types of atrophic scars, including icepick scars, boxcar scars, and rolling scars.

How to treat atrophic scars:

  1. Microneedling: Microneedling can help stimulate collagen production in the skin, reducing the appearance of atrophic scars.

  2. Chemical peels: Chemical peels can help exfoliate the top layer of the skin, reducing the appearance of atrophic scars.

  3. Dermal fillers: Dermal fillers can help fill in the indented or depressed scars, making them less noticeable.

  4. Laser therapy: Laser therapy like Fraxel or RF Microneedling can help stimulate collagen production in the skin, reducing the appearance of atrophic scars.

Hypertrophic Scars

Hypertrophic scars are a type of acne scar that occurs when the skin produces too much collagen during the healing process, resulting in raised, thickened scars.

How to treat hypertrophic scars:

  1. Silicone gel or sheeting: Silicone gel or sheeting can help flatten and soften hypertrophic scars.

  2. Corticosteroid injections: Corticosteroid injections can help reduce inflammation and flatten hypertrophic scars.

  3. Laser therapy: Laser therapy can help break down the excess collagen in the skin, reducing the appearance of hypertrophic scars.


Acne scars can be frustrating, but there are several treatment options available. The type of acne scar you have will determine the best treatment option for you. It is essential to speak with a dermatologist to determine the most effective treatment plan


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